Help make Plasma 5 real!

Maybe you already know that the new version of the desktop by the KDE people, that will be called Plasma 5, is in the makings. I totally believe that this forthcoming release will be truly amazing,  and that’s why Aleix Pol and myself have already started porting KDE Connect to this new Desktop Environment.

Porting every application in KDE, though, requires a huge amount of work. This is one of the reasons why some of the best hackers in KDE will meet this summer in Randa, Switzerland: to work hard in the next version of the best desktop environment ever!

If you, like me, also believe that Plasma 5 will be awesome and want to help its development, I encourage you to donate in the crowd-funding campaign they started to cover the expenses of the meeting. You can do it from the following link:

Thanks from all the KDE Community!

17 thoughts on “Help make Plasma 5 real!

  1. I really wish I could help, but I can’t use PayPal. How else may I contribute?

    1. Nope, you can not. Well, you can donate to my personal paypal account, but I will spend that money on alcohol and gambling, not on the project :P

  2. Hola Albert, se que prefieres los comentarios en ingles, pero mi ingles es el que da el traductor de google XD.

    He montado un ordenador con multiseat en “opensuse 13.1” y el programa solo se puede usar en un usuario, no se si el problema es de kde o de plasma-desktop, ya que tengo el log esta lleno de referencias a este último. Ya he detectado varios programas con el mismo problema. Un saludo y buen trabajo.

    Hi Albert, I know prefer comments in English, but my English is giving google translator XD.

    I have assembled a computer with multiseat in “opensuse 13.1” and the program can only be used on a user, not if the problem is kde or plasma-desktop, since I have the log is full of references to the latter. I’ve found several programs with the same problem. Regards and good work.

    1. I’m afraid that multi-seat is not supported. The app listens to a port and once is being used by one user, is not available for others. I found no way to circumvent this limitation :(

  3. Donated :) and @albertvaka have you got plans for integrate notifikations from kde-connect to notification center? :)

    PS: Now using Kubuntu 14.10 beta 1 with plasma 5 and it looks great! :)

    1. For KDE4 the built-in notification system didn’t suit KDE Connect needs, so we had to implement our own. I hope this will change with Plasma 5, but I haven’t looked into it yet.

  4. Is Plasma 5 fix an issue with different looks Qt app and plasma itself.. I mean plasma theme has nothing to do with how Dolphin look like. This is annoing. KDE looks like have been pathed from different sources without any UI integration.

  5. Hi Albert, when will you be releasing the plasma 5 port of your app? It is one of the most valuable kde apps available and though 5 is fast and more resource efficient, I was hoping to see your app soon!

    1. I just changed job (and country!) and have to find time for it, but will be soon :) Meanwhile, if you feel comfortable compiling it yourself you can do so from the ‘frameworks’ git branch.

      1. Currently, on Arch Linux, the frameworks git branch doesn’t seem to be able to pair with my phone. Is there a specific phone app required to pair with it?

      2. The most recent update fixed the problem Albert (kdeconnect-frameworks-git-r632.233607d-1). Thank you for your hard work!

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